Types, specifications and naming of commonly used inductors and inductors
The inductance coil is also an energy storage element, which stores electric energy in the form of magnetism. The amount of stored electric energy can be expressed by the following formula: WL=1/2 Li2.
Show DetailsDefinition of inductance and commonly used inductance coils
Inductance is the ratio of the magnetic flux of the wire to the current that produces this magnetic flux when alternating current is passed through the wire, which produces alternating magnetic flux inside and around the wire. L=ψ/I
Show DetailsSMT patch and DIP plug-in electronic components capacitor and inductance professional practical knowledge!
Electronic manufacturing SMT patch and DIP plug-in post-welding electronics factory PCBA production of resistance, capacitors, integrated circuits, relays, connectors, diodes, transistors, inductors, coils, electronic wiring harness and other SMT related electronic components products are indispensable, familiar with The principles and functional characteristics of electronic components will bring a lot of help to our friends in the electronics manufacturing industry!
Show DetailsKnow SM421 arch type placement machine
1. Know the basic structure and working principle of the arch mounter.
2. Be able to operate the switch of SM421 placement machine.
3. Know the function of the keys on the operation panel of the SM421 placement machine.
4. Understand the content and function of the main interface of SM421 man-machine operation.
5. It will operate the warm-up and return to the origin on the main interface.
Show DetailsThe bumpy experience of Samsung SM321 repair
Today, we are repairing an SM321 machine that has not been started for 5 years. The company intends to use the four unused SM321 and one SM421 placement machines. The reason is that the company has been relatively busy recently.
Show DetailsSamsung/ Hanwha EXCEN FLEX Pick and Place Machine
Samsung/ Hanwha EXCEN FLEX Pick and Place Machine
SMD AutomatIC Product Line, PICk And Place Machine Line, SMT PICk And Place Machine AutomatIC, AutomatIC LED PICk And Place Machine, LED SMD PICk And Place Machine, LED Lenses PICk And Place Machine, PICk And Place LED Assembly Machine, CNC Router PCB, PCB Router Machine, PCB Drilling And Routing Machine, PCB Drill Bits And Router, Mini Wi-Fi Router PCB, CNC Cutting And Drilling PCB
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